Some Words

The Intolerable Straight Line, November 15, 2019 – January 16, 2020, Galerie Art & Essai, Rennes, France

An exhibition presented as part of the research and exhibition programme Art by Translation, featuring new work by Silvia Kolbowski, Julia E. Dyck, Maíra Dietrich, Falk Messerschmidt and Pedro Zylbersztajn.

Julia E. Dyck transposes the principles of a John Cage score to the archives of an independent feminist radio show in Montreal. For her piece, she transcribed interviews with artists who had been invited as guests on the show, including their silences, sighs, and hesitations, transforming them into new scores open to performative interpretation. Through this operation, Dyck interrogates the mechanisms through which artworks are legitimized and the ways in which these processes can render invisible certain non-conventional practices, in particular those of women artists or collectives. Her work also reveals the extent to which the written transcription of spoken language engenders various gains and losses.

Research and curatorial team: Maud Jacquin and Sébastien Pluot, Yann Sérandour and Anne Zeitz (PTAC team, Université Rennes 2)

Exhibition publication & interview

Installation Images from
